No, this post is not about my idea to write a style-related children's story (though, it's something to consider). This is, instead, a story about a girl with 7 zillion jackets. That's me. I have blazers, bomber jackets, trench coats, sweater jackets, and jackets for every season. Yesterday, as I was trying to find something in my tiny closet stuffed full of jackets, I started thinking about why I have so many. Some would call it a shopping habit/problem. I, however, prefer to think of it as a very useful collection.
In my dream life, I have hours each night or morning to carefully select my entire look for the day. In reality, though, I'm a procrastinator, and I have 2 young children. The combination makes for some hurried mornings. Some mornings, I don't have time for fashion creativity. I put on whatever jeans are at the top of the drawer, and whatever t-shirt is least wrinkled. Enter the Magic Jacket.
Jeans + T-shirt + Magic Jacket = Presentable
(I admit, this equation only works if you've done a good job shopping for each item. When you become a "good shopper," it's a lot easier and faster to find presentable ensembles in your closet. I can help you with that.)
It really is that simple. Notice that the sum of the parts is "Presentable." You might not feel your most stylish; you might later wish you had worn a couple of bracelets; you might realize that it's not the BEST look you could have created that day. You will, however, appear as though you considered your reflection before you walked out the door.
Fall is the perfect season to test my hypothesis. (Equations, is definitely in.) Give it a whirl and let me know if you agree. If you need a little help finding the perfect jacket or incorporating it into your wardrobe, I would love to help! Let's connect!
"Considering your reflection" would be a good thing! One of the reasons I love to go to theme parks is to look at the people who obviously don't own a mirror. It always makes me feel better!